Hinchas en tránsito
Gastón Julián Gil |
"Hinchas en tránsito cuenta con una impresionante validez interna: su autor fatigó más de 30.000 kilómetros con la hinchada de Aldosivi, un equipo de Mar del Plata que durante aquellos viajes dis… |
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However tall the mountain
Awista Ayub |
In 1979, when Awista Ayub was only two years old, her family fled Afghanistan for the United States, where Awista flourished, thanks to organized athletics - and where she vowed to make a difference … |
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How Soccer Explains the World
Franklin Foer |
Soccer is much more than a game, or even a way of life. It is a perfect window into the cross-currents of today's world, with all its joys and its sorrows. In this remarkably insightful, wide-ranging… |
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