Trust in Numbers
Theodore M. Porter |
This investigation of the overwhelming appeal of quantification in the modern world discusses the development of cultural meanings of objectivity over two centuries. How are we to account for the cur… |
OL3487518W |
Science in a Free Society
Paul K. Feyerabend |
**Science in a Free Society** is a 1978 book by *Paul Feyerabend* that continues the argument of his 1975 [Against Method](https://openlibrary.org/works/OL455919W) and criticizes the primacy of scien… |
OL455915W |
Cultural history and modernity in Latin America
Constantin von Barloewen |
"Preconiza la necesidad de tomar en cuenta las culturas tradicionales ante las necesidades de la modernización, especialmente en el orden de lo científico-tecnológico"--Handbook of Latin American … |
OL972664W |