Making digital cultures
Martin Hand |
"Making Digital Cultures tracks intellectual debates about the digitization of culture from the cyberspace of the 1990s to the new technologies known as Web 2.0 arguing that they have cohered around … |
OL11825417W |
Mike Featherstone,Roger Burrows |
How can we interpret cyberspace? What is the place of the embodied human agent in the virtual world?
This innovative collection examines the emerging arena of cyberspace and the challenges it presen… |
OL17814786W |
To renew America
Newt Gingrich |
Many people in government and the media tried to stop the publication of this book so that you could not read it. But now you can. On November 9, 1994, for the first time in forty years, the Republic… |
OL1868235W |
Information rules
Carl Shapiro,Hal R. Varian |
How businesses can handle the economic transition from atoms to bits. |
OL1906587W |
Internet and personal computing fads
Mary Ann Bell,Mary Ann, Ph.D. Berry,James L. Van Roekel |
"This essential handbook takes a practical look at the most often-seen computer and internet terms and describes them in easy-to-understand language. Internet and Personal Computing Fads is written i… |
OL20545503W |
Stéphane Richard |
"La révolution numérique ne saurait se limiter à une question de réseaux télécoms ou de terminaux ... et c'est le patron du premier opérateur français qui le dit. Dans son premier livre, Stéphane Ric… |
OL24844734W |
La déconnexion des élites
Laure Belot |
Une enquête sur le bouleversement de la société par Internet et la culture numérique. ©Electre 2014. |
OL26187478W |
On s'aimera
Clémentine Célarié |
Une famille engluée dans sa richesse matérielle - smartphones, écrans divers et autres symboles du «progrès» de la technologie - se retrouve soudain bloquée dans sa luxueuse maison par une violente t… |
OL27061200W |
Post-capitalist society
Peter F. Drucker |
Business guru Peter Drucker provides an incisive analysis of the major world transformation taking place, from the Age of Capitalism to the Knowledge Society, and examines the radical effects it will… |
OL2721823W |
Knowledge and Economic Conduct
Nico Stehr |
"Examining the foundations of the modern capitalist economy from a broad social scientific perspective, this challenging work posits that changing economic circumstances - namely, an end to the prima… |
OL3139614W |
Culture and Politics in the Information Age
Frank Webster |
This volume addresses these key issues through an analysis of important theoretical debates on issues such as digital democracy, cultural politics and transnational communities. Featuring contributor… |
OL3529285W |
The World Is Flat
Thomas L. Friedman |
When scholars write the history of the world twenty years from now, what will they say was the most crucial development at the dawn of the 21st century--the attacks of 9/11, or the convergence of tec… |
OL3740423W |
Business, information technology and society
Stephen D. Tansey |
This is a complete and readable introduction to the nature and impact of the new information and communication technologies on business and society. Without assuming any prior knowledge of either bus… |
OL3745791W |
The wealth of networks
Yochai Benkler |
With the radical changes in information production that the Internet has introduced, we stand at an important moment of transition, says Yochai Benkler in this thought-provoking book. The phenomenon … |
OL5836132W |
The Future of Ideas
Lawrence Lessig |
In The future of ideas, Lawrence Lessig explains how the Internet revolution has produced a counterrevolution of potentially devastating power and effect. Creativity once flourished because the Net p… |
OL6037023W |
The Search
John Battelle |
How Google and Its Rivals Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed Our Culture• The Wall Street Journal and BusinessWeek Bestseller• Finalist for the Goldman Sachs/FT Business Book of the Year A… |
OL8982019W |