Days of Jubilee
Patricia McKissack |
Uses slave narratives, letters, diaries, military orders, and other documents to chronicle the various stages leading to the emancipation of slaves in the United States. |
OL14860532W |
What shall we do with the Negro?
Paul D. Escott |
Consulting a broad range of contemporary newspapers, magazines, books, army records, government documents, publications of citizens' organizations, letters, diaries, and other sources, Paul D. Escott… |
OL15300925W |
Lincoln's Hundred Days
Louis P. Masur |
"The time has come now," Abraham Lincoln told his cabinet as he presented the preliminary draft of a "Proclamation of Emancipation." Lincoln's effort to end slavery has been controversial since its i… |
OL16572226W |
Sick from freedom
Jim Downs |
"Bondspeople who fled from slavery during and after the Civil War did not expect that their flight toward freedom would lead to sickness, disease, suffering, and death. But the war produced the large… |
OL16617538W |
Abraham Lincoln as a man of ideas
Michael Lind,Guelzo, Allen C. |
"Abraham Lincoln was a skilled politician, an inspirational leader, and a man of humor and pathos. What many may not realize is how much he was also a man of ideas. Despite the most meager of formal … |
OL16986912W |
Freedom national
James Oakes |
Freedom National is a groundbreaking history of emancipation that joins the political initiatives of Lincoln and the Republicans in Congress with the courageous actions of Union soldiers and runaway … |
OL19662258W |
Who freed the slaves?
Leonard L. Richards |
"In the popular imagination, slavery in the United States ended with Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation. The proclamation may have been limited--freeing only slaves within Confederate states… |
OL19663105W |
Paying freedom's price
Paul D. Escott |
Paying Freedom's Price provides a comprehensive yet brief and readable history of the role of African Americans-both slave and free-from the decade leading up to the Civil War until its immediate aft… |
OL20045846W |
The jewel of liberty
David E. Long |
This provocative book, nominated for the Pulitzer Prize, marks a milestone in Civil War and Lincoln history. Dr. David E. Long, a professor of law and history, is the first to investigate deeply the … |
OL2662912W |
Lincoln's quest for equality
Carl F. Wieck |
"The "House Divided" speech helped to win Lincoln the presidency; the Gettysburg Address made him an icon. How did Lincoln come to speak the words that would change a nation? Analyzing the ideas and … |
OL5957045W |