The binding tie
Kristina Göransson |
"Since gaining independence in 1965, Singapore has become the most trade-intensive economy in the world and the richest country in Southeast Asia. This transformation has been accompanied by the emer… |
OL13614212W |
People Matter
David Chan |
This book is a collection of twenty-one essays by Professor David Chan, which first appeared in The Straits Times from October 2011 to January 2015. The essays discussed a wide range of topics includ… |
OL17200145W |
Diversities old and new
Steven Vertovec |
"How can people live together, with ever more diverse characteristics, in the world's rapidly expanding cities? The UN estimates a doubling of the world's urban population by 2050. Meanwhile, global … |
OL22313554W |
Hard drive
Mary Todd |
"On June 24, 2012, Dr. Shane Truman Todd, a young American engineer, was found hanging in his Singapore apartment, just a week before his scheduled return to the United States. Although Shane had rep… |
OL24268742W |
Ah ku and karayuki-san
James Francis Warren |
"Among the many groups of workers whose labor built Singapore in the 20th century, there may be none as marginalized in memory as the women who travelled from China and Japan to work in Singapore as … |
OL676534W |