The kitten who cried dog
Charlotte Guillain,Dawn Beacon |
A simplified version of the familiar fable featuring a kitten who becomes bored with guarding a stack of toys and decides to cry "dog" and watch the villagers come running, until the day a dog is rea… |
OL16664309W |
Keep it fake
Eric G. Wilson |
Shoot straight from the hip. Tell it like it is. Keep it real.
We love these commands, especially in America, because they appeal to what we want to believe: that there's an authentic self to whic… |
OL20001188W |
Sincerity in Politics and International Relations
Sorin Baiasu |
This work examines concept of sincerity in politics and international relations in order to discuss what we should expect of politicians, within what parameters should they work, and how their decisi… |
OL20930389W |
Je suis franc
Nicole Lebel |
Ce titre s'insère dans une série de petites plaquettes de gai savoir mettant en scène les aventures édifiantes des jumeaux Phil et Sophie qui, du haut de leurs quatre ou cinq ans, donnent aux lecteur… |
OL24274342W |
The Authenticity Experiment
Kate Carroll de Gutes |
179 pages ; 21 cm |
OL24768946W |