Boss ladies, watch out!
Terry Castle |
"Boss Ladies, Watch Out! brings together in a convenient format Terry Castle's most scintillating recent essays on literary criticism, women's writing and sexuality. Readers of Castle's many books an… |
OL3275589W |
Sexual politics
Kate Millett |
How the patriarchal bias operates in culture and is reflected in literature. |
OL548552W |
The Sadeian woman
Angela Carter |
Angela Carter turns concepts and assumptions
about love and sex inside out with an
original examination of Sade's ideas. |
OL697439W |
Whitman possessed
Mark Maslan |
"Whitman has long been more than a celebrated American author. He has become a kind of hero, whose poetry vindicates beliefs not only about poetry but also about sexuality and power. In Whitman Posse… |
OL7795704W |
Between Men
Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick |
Hailed by the "New York Times" as "one of the most influential texts in gender studies, men's studies and gay studies," this book uncovers the homosocial desire between men, from Restoration comedies… |
OL9243005W |