God, sex, and gender
Adrian Thatcher |
"Engagingly and clearly written by a highly respected theologian, God, Sex, and Gender is the first comprehensive introduction to a theology of both sexuality and gender available in a single volume.… |
OL15976727W |
Juliana Geran Pilon |
"In Soulmates: Resurrecting Eve, Juliana Geran Pilon argues for a return to an egalitarian view of men and women, found in the original Genesis narrative, as reflected through Judaism, Christianity, … |
OL16317698W |
Struggling in good faith
Mychal Copeland,D'vorah Rose |
"A multifaceted sourcebook telling the powerful story of reconciliation, celebration and struggle for LGBTQI inclusion across the American religious landscape"--Amazon.com. |
OL20020333W |
Muslim women's choices
Camillia Fawzi El-Solh,Judy Mabro |
This volume counters the prevailing Western views and stereotypes of Muslim women--usually projected through male interpretations--by presenting a cross-cultural perspective of their experiences and … |
OL20617024W |
Sex and religion
Dag Øistein Endsjø |
"Sex. There is probably no other realm of human experience in which religious thinking and control has had such vast reach and powerful influence. Faiths of every sort have always held strong beliefs… |
OL20954069W |
Men & Women
Lawrence J. Crabb |
This tome by Dr Larry Crabbs offers guidelines for understanding the differences between the sexes and celebrating them rather than fighting them, with practical advice on dealing with spouse, friend… |
OL29106W |
Sex, Gender & Christian Ethics
Lisa Sowle Cahill |
This book endorses feminist critiques of gender, yet upholds the insight of traditional Christianity that sex, commitment and parenthood are fulfilling human relations. Their unity is a positive idea… |
OL2979333W |
A History of the Wife
Marilyn Yalom |
How did marriage, considered a religious duty in medieval Europe, become a venue for personal fulfillment in contemporary America? How did the notion of romantic love, a novelty in the Middle Ages, b… |
OL3279782W |
Man and Woman in Biblical Perspective
James B. Hurley |
In this comprehensive and scholarly book, Dr. James Hurley guides us carefully through the biblical material relating to the roles of men and women, helping us to understand difficult passages of Scr… |
OL6438471W |
Studies on John and Gender
Andreas J. Kostenberger |
"Studies on John and Gender: A Decade of Scholarship gathers together fifteen of Andreas J. Kostenberger's essays from 1991 to 2000 on two major topics, John's Gospel and gender roles in the church.
… |
OL8596362W |