Marina está en la luna
Rubén Varillas |
"The Earth is a crumbling planet that is contaminated and without resources, which forces humanity to immigrate to space. As Marina touches the Moon, she misses her friends and the Earth's landscape.… |
OL20011901W |
Tako Retaco y el señor Tufa en el desierto
Lewis York |
After their spaceship lands in the desert, Tako Retaco leaves everyone behind and wanders in the desert to meet three new friends. |
OL27957070W |
よつばと! 1
あずまきよひこ |
*sniffle* Yotsuba thinks grown-ups are mean. Daddy plays all kinds of neat games with Yotsuba, but he ALWAYS WINS! Even when Yotsuba TELLS him to be paper in Rock-Paper-Scissors, he doesn't listen! E… |
OL8752663W |