Intersensory Origin of Mind
Thorne Shipley |
Thorne Shipley shows the profound limits of linear, mechanistic and naively reductionistic accounts of the mind, proposing instead a sensory rationalistic position which builds on the principles of e… |
OL19858750W |
Sensory integration
Anita C. Bundy,Shelly J. Lane,Elizabeth A. Murray,Anne G. Fisher |
Divided into three major sections, this title draws together contributions of scholars and practitioners on the theory, assessment and intervention, and research relating to sensory integrative dysfu… |
OL20775451W |
The out-of-sync child
Carol Stock Kranowitz |
Sensory Processing Disorder is a common, but frequently misdiagnosed problem in which the central nervous system misinterprets messages from the senses. The Out of Sync Child offers comprehensive, cl… |
OL2660042W |
Raising a sensory smart child
Lindsey Biel,Nancy Peske |
Two experts tackle one of the most formidable and pervasive developmental issues facing children todayWith a foreword by Temple GrandinFor children with sensory integration issues-those who have diff… |
OL7989243W |