There's no such thing as bad weather
Linda Akeson McGurk |
"Bringing Up Bebe meets Last Child in the Woods in this lively, insightful memoir about a mother who sets out to discover if the nature-centric parenting philosophy of her native Scandinavia holds th… |
OL19718883W |
The pout-pout fish goes to school
Deborah Diesen |
Mr. Fish recalls how, on his very first day of school, he anxiously went to one classroom after another watching students do things he could not, until Miss Hewitt showed him to the room that was rig… |
OL19980717W |
The new kid
Marie-Louise Fitzpatrick |
Ellie's not like the other children on her street. She hides inside her grey coat and the children tease her. But with her powerful imagination and talent for making up games, Ellie soon shows everyo… |
OL20822595W |
At home in your body
Rae Simons |
Discusses healthy body types. |
OL20917916W |
Girls rule-- a very special book created especially for girls
Ashley Rice |
A collection of affirming thoughts, facts, and poems about girls. |
OL5739633W |