
20+ results found
Title Authors Description OpenBook ID
The kingdom of the cults The kingdom of the cults Walter Ralston Martin It is the purpose of this book to evaluate the so-called cults and isms that today are found in abundance in America and on the great mission fields of the world. My approach to the subject is threef… OL112243W
Cults of unreason Cults of unreason Christopher Riche Evans Slightly over half of this book is about Scientology, with good material on the early days of Dianetics, some amazing and hilarious material about OT wins, life at Saint Hill and aboard the ships, as… OL112991W
Black gods of the metropolis Black gods of the metropolis Arthur Huff Fauset "From his anthropological fieldwork among black religious groups in Philadelphia in the early 1940s, Arthur Huff Fauset believed it was possible to determine the likely direction that mainstream blac… OL1199489W
Cries in the new wilderness Cries in the new wilderness Eve Adler,Mikhail N. Epstein,Mikhail Ėpshteĭn "Inside the disintegrating Soviet Union, Raisa Gibaydulina, a professor of scientific atheism at the Moscow Institute of Atheism, compiles a selection of articles, sermons, manifestos, and other writ… OL12027636W
Cold Shoulder Road (Wolves #9) Cold Shoulder Road (Wolves #9) Joan Aiken Having freed the children enslaved in the northern mines, Is Twite and her cousin Arun return to Folkestone to find Arun's mother. But she has disappeared without a trace. There's plenty of evidence … OL14851398W
Jonestown Massacre Jonestown Massacre Gina DeAngelis The agricultural settlement of Jonestown in Guyana, South America, was meant to be a promised land for its inhabitants, the members of Jim Jones's Peoples Temple. How then, in November 1978, did 912 … OL15045151W
American saints & seers American saints & seers Edward Rice Discusses a variety of religions that were nurtured and grew up on this continent showing a distinct American character with little European influence. Included are the Shakers, Mormons, Christian Sc… OL15904798W
New religious movements New religious movements Paul Oliver "This book analyses the concepts we use to discuss new religions, and surveys a range of different movements which were established in the second half of the 20th century"--provided by publisher. OL16682997W
The encyclopedia of American religions, religious creeds The encyclopedia of American religions, religious creeds J. Gordon Melton On t.p.: A compilation of more than 450 creeds, confessions, statements of faith, and summaries of doctrine of religious and spiritual groups in the United States and Canada. OL18255123W
The strange case of the composer and his judge The strange case of the composer and his judge Patricia Duncker "New Year's Day, 2000. Hunters, in a forest in the Jura, stumble upon a half-circle of dead bodies lying in the snow. A nearby holiday chalet containing children's presents and decorations indicate a… OL18670925W
Cults Cults Karen Zeinert Describes various types of cults including their history, characteristics, and danger to American society. OL1952291W
Cults in America Cults in America James R. Lewis Contains primary source material. OL19669763W
Members only Members only Julie Tibbott An introduction to some of history's most noteworthy and notorious secret societies and underground cults includes profiles of Opus Dei, the Freemasons, and the Skull and Bones. OL20004781W
Encyclopedia of new religions Encyclopedia of new religions Christopher H. Partridge This encyclopedia gives readers a comprehensive map of the significant religious and spiritual groups functioning in today's world, especially in the West. The new religions, sects and alternative sp… OL20618205W
Quand les sectes affolent Quand les sectes affolent Roland J. Campiche,Cyril Dépraz Temple du Peuple de Jim Jones, Waco, Ordre du Temple Solaire, Aum, autant d'evenements qui ont defraye la chronique et mobilise les medias. Mais, a vrai dire, faut-il avoir peur des sectes ou de nos … OL20634115W
World Christian encyclopedia World Christian encyclopedia George Thomas Kurian,David B. Barrett The comprehensive overview of the world's largest religion in all its many versions and in both its religious and secular contexts. The Encyclopedia presents and analyzes an unmatched wealth of infor… OL20944700W
A guide to cults & new religions A guide to cults & new religions Ronald M. Enroth MacCollam -- Evaluating cults and new religions / LaVonne Neff. OL20957733W
Las sectas, hoy y aquí Las sectas, hoy y aquí Pepe Rodríguez Cuando la crisis social va alcanzando cotas dolorosas, el ser humano se hace más vulnerable a la irracionalidad, al fanatismo OL2113193W
Transnational Religious Movements Transnational Religious Movements Jonathan D. James 1 online resource OL21159470W
Clone à risque Clone à risque Diane Bergeron Jonathan est amoureux fou de Mireille, mais cette dernière a mystérieusement disparu depuis quelques mois et ses parents refusent de lui dire où elle se trouve. Jonathan soupçonne ces derniers d'appa… OL24255269W
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