Andi under pressure
Amanda Flower |
While attending a prestigious Science Camp, twelve-year-old Andi and her new best friend, Colin Carter, investigate a series of practical jokes being blamed on the mysterious janitor, Polk, which res… |
OL17826942W |
Erin Teagan |
In her third story, Luciana and her family are headed to Chile for winter break. Luci can't wait to see her cousins - but the reunion doesn't go as planned, and Luci feels like an outsider in her own… |
OL17897123W |
Into the dorkness
John Kloepfer |
Kevin and his science camp buddies, The Extraordinary Terrestrials, defeated the alien Mim and sent him back to prison--but now a group of his friends have shown up in spaceships, bent on revenge, an… |
OL20001088W |