Greek and Latin authors, 800 B.C.-A.D. 1000
Michael Grant |
Biographical sketches of 376 Greek and Latin authors covering the years 800 B.C. to 1000 A.D. Includes a list of works of doubtful attribution and a chronological list of authors by century. |
OL1236139W |
Schrijvers van A tot Z
Uitgeverij Het Spectrum. Redactie Naslagwerken |
Naslagwerk voor beknopte informatie over binnen- en buitenlandse schrijvers uit de 20e eeuw. |
OL24430050W |
Writers and politics in Germany, 1945-2008
K. Stuart Parkes |
"George Orwell said that all writing is political; but the writers of some nations and some periods are more political than others. German writers after 1945 have exemplified such heightened politici… |
OL3243600W |