Satire in an age of realism
Aaron Matz |
"As nineteenth-century realism became more and more intrepid in its pursuit of describing and depicting everyday life, it blurred irrevocably into the caustic and severe mode of literature better nam… |
OL15632224W |
Ben Jonson, John Marston and early modern drama
Rebecca Kate Yearling |
"This book examines the influence of John Marston, typically seen as a minor figure among early modern dramatists, on his colleague Ben Jonson. While Marston is usually famed more for his very public… |
OL22318763W |
The age of reasons
Wendy Motooka |
The Age of Reasons reads Don Quixote as a parodic example of eighteenth-century "reason." Reason was supposed to be universally compelling, yet it was also thought to be empirically derived. Quixotic… |
OL2739372W |
Jonathan Swift and Popular Culture
Ann Cline Kelly |
"Ann Cline Kelly's book breaks the mold of Swift studies. Twentieth-century scholars have tended to assess Jonathan Swift as a pillar of the eighteenth-century "republic of letters," a conservative, … |
OL4972313W |
Swift ; the critical heritage
Kathleen Williams |
The reception given to a writer by his contemporaries and near-contemporaries is evidence of considerable value to the student of literature. The separate volumes in the Critical Heritage Series pres… |
OL6760276W |