House Rules
Rachel Sontag |
At an early age, Rachel Sontag realized there was something deeply wrong with her father. On the surface, he was a well-respected, suburban physician. But questioning his authority led to brutal figh… |
OL14958694W |
Gender and PTSD
Jessica Wolfe |
Publisher's description: Current research and clinical observations suggest pronounced gender-based differences in the ways people respond to traumatic events. Most notably, women evidence twice the … |
OL20804414W |
Difficultés d'adaptation sociale ou scolaire et intervention éducative
François Larose |
Longtemps voués à la marginalisation sociale, les enfants en difficulté d'adaptation sociale ou scolaire font maintenant l'objet d'une attention croissante en éducation. Dans cet ouvrage, les auteurs… |
OL24162412W |
Through the looking glass
Dana Becker |
"This book offers a comprehensive exploration of the relationship between gender, the experience of psychological distress that we currently call borderline personality disorder, and the borderline d… |
OL2641322W |
Le counseling auprès des proches aidants
Canada) Centre de santé et de services sociaux Cavendish (Montréal |
Ce livre vise à sensibiliser les intervenants des services de santé à la réalité des aidants en leur proposant un guide accessible et pratique. Cet ouvrage couvre un vaste ensemble de sujets, de l'év… |
OL27734254W |
Ageing and Reminiscence Processes
Peter G. Coleman |
A Volume of case studies of the reminiscence process in ageing, from which this experienced clinical psychologist draws implications for treatment and management of problems in the ageing population. |
OL5266659W |