Surviving the blockade of Leningrad
S. V. Magaeva |
"In 1941, German and Finnish military forces established a blockade around Leningrad. Their siege of the city would last almost nine hundred days during which Leningrad was struck by incessant aerial… |
OL11640617W |
Caught in the revolution
Helen Rappaport |
"Caught in the Revolution is Helen Rappaport's masterful telling of the outbreak of the Russian Revolution through eye-witness accounts left by foreign nationals who saw the drama unfold. Between the… |
OL19667232W |
The truth of the Russian Revolution
K. I. Globachev |
"An eyewitness account of the Russian Revolution of 1917 and its aftermath, newly translated into English. Major General Konstantin Ivanovich Globachev was chief of the Okhrana, the Tsarist secret po… |
OL19714628W |
Crime and punishment in the Russian revolution
Tsuyoshi Hasegawa,Tsuyoshi Hasegawa |
"In a new perspective on the Russian Revolution, Tsuyoshi Hasegawa examines in detail the convulsions of the revolutionary year from March 1917 to March 1918 through the lens of violent crime, police… |
OL19722801W |
Cherez Goroda k Sebe
Ekaterina Yakovina |
The book of recollections about a several cities with which the author's life is closely connected. Majestic St. Petersburg, Pushkin, Petegof and small villages in Russia. Also the beautiful city Vin… |
OL26122287W |