The art of Rails
Edward Benson |
Ruby on Rails offers the ability to rapidly design and write high-quality code with elegance and maintainability. Written by an experienced web application developer, this book explains how to take g… |
OL11886246W |
Ruby on rails for Microsoft developers
Antonio Cangiano |
This definitive guide examines how to take advantage of the new Agile methodologies offered when using Ruby on Rails (RoR). You'll quickly grasp the RoR methodology by focusing on the RoR development… |
OL13765047W |
Sams teach yourself Ruby in 21 days
Mark Slagell |
Ruby is a high-level, fully object-oriented programming (OOP) language. It is very powerful and relatively easy to learn, read, and maintain.Sams Teach Yourself Ruby in 21 Days provides the best intr… |
OL6217423W |
Ruby On Rails Bible
Timothy Fisher |
Thanks to the explosive growth in popularity of the Rails framework, the equally popular Ruby programming language now has a great place to hang its hat. The powerful combination of the two provides … |
OL6568676W |
The Rails way
Obie Fernandez |
This is the eBook version of the printed book. If the print book includes a CD-ROM, this content is not included within the eBook version.The expert guide to building Ruby on Rails applicationsRuby o… |
OL9274702W |