
20+ results found
Title Authors Description OpenBook ID
Los bronces de Osuna y los nuevos bronces de Osuna Los bronces de Osuna y los nuevos bronces de Osuna Manuel Rodríguez de Berlanga Facsímil de las dos publicaciones de Manuel Rodríguez de Beranga sobre los bronces municipales de la antigua Osuna (Colonia Genetiva Iulia), con un estudio preliminar sobre la arqueología de Osuna y … OL12533730W
Mainz Mainz Franz Stephan Pelgen Wie kein anderes Bauwerk spiegelt der Drususstein die vielfältigen Aspekte der römischen Geschichte von Mogontiacum-Mainz wider…und den Umgang der Stadt und ihrer Bürger eben mit dieser knapp 500 Jah… OL12749222W
The Aurelian wall and the refashioning of imperial Rome, A.D. 271-855 The Aurelian wall and the refashioning of imperial Rome, A.D. 271-855 Hendrik W. Dey "This book explores the relationship between the city of Rome and the Aurelian wall during the six centuries following its construction in the 270s AD, a period when the city changed and contracted a… OL15456510W
Maisons de Clupea Maisons de Clupea Jean-Marie Lassère "Encore envahi par des constructions modernes, et menacé par d'autres, le site de Clupea nous a surtout laissé des vestiges de demeures particulières. La chance a voulu que plusieurs types de maisons… OL16157361W
Roman republican villas Roman republican villas Jeffrey A. Becker The Roman villa is a classic icon of Western culture, and yet villa can be used to cover a multiplicity of ideas, experiences, and places. In the late Republic and early Imperial periods, villas are … OL16298278W
The Frome Hoard The Frome Hoard Sam Moorhead The story of the burial, discovery, excavation and significance of the Frome Hoard, one of the largest hoards of Roman coins ever found in Britain. OL16367448W
Building a new Rome Building a new Rome Elaine K. Gazda,Ünal Demirer,Diana Y. Ng "The essays in this volume bring to bear the latest scholarly and technological trends in archaeological research to shed new light on the site of Pisidian Antioch in west-central Turkey. Drawing on … OL16686991W
La romanización en Guadalajara La romanización en Guadalajara Ma. Luisa Cerdeño,Emilio Gamo,Teresa Sagardoy La conquista romana de la Península Ibérica fue un hecho histórico de gran relevancia que afectó a todos los territorios, incluidas las zonas del interior meseteño sobre las que, sin embargo, se cont… OL17060760W
Researching material culture Researching material culture Susan M. Pearce,Eberhard Sauer,Susan Pearce A large number of Roman coins (over 4,500) was discovered in the Puisard Romain, the Roman catchment installation of a hot spring at Bourbonne-les-Bains (department Haute-Marne, France). No other dep… OL19412962W
Roman Britain Roman Britain Jane Chisholm,Ruth Brocklehurst An illustrated history of Britain under the Roman Empire. Includes Internet links. OL19642026W
Roman London's First Voices Roman London's First Voices Roger Tomlin This publication presents research into Britain's largest, earliest and most significant collection of Roman waxed writing tablets. The collection, which boasts the first hand-written document known … OL20242962W
In search of Pompeii In search of Pompeii Giovanni Caselli Description of the eruption - Excavation of the ruins in 1860 - Plan of the town - Forum - Gods of Pompeii - Entertainment including drama performances, music and poetry and gladiator fights - Public… OL22072576W
Roman Britain Roman Britain Alex Woolf Introducing different periods of history through the buildings people have left behind, this series includes buildings from all over Britain and examines how we know about the time through the archae… OL22132192W
La Signora del sarcofago La Signora del sarcofago Maria Pia Rossignani,Marco Sannazaro Analysis of the contents of a sarcophagus; a young woman of rank buried in the 3rd century, C.E. OL33294288W
Die Römer an Rhein und Mosel Die Römer an Rhein und Mosel Charles Marie Ternes,Dorothea Basrai Sachbuch über die Zeit der Römer an Rhein und Mosel. Mit 49 Zeichnungen und 26 Fotos. Aus dem Franz. übers. von Dorothea Basrai in Zsarb. mit dem Autor. Or. Titel: La Vie quotidienne en Rhénanie Roma… OL37439169W
Die dünnwandige Gebrauchskeramik vom magdalensberg Die dünnwandige Gebrauchskeramik vom magdalensberg Eleny Schindler-Kaudelka Excavations on the Magdalensberg in Carinthia, Southern Austria brought to light a large number of thinwalled pottery, Feinware, pareti sottili, parois fines, paredes finas. The finds from the 1948-1… OL4530037W
Die römische Modelkeramik vom Magdalensberg Die römische Modelkeramik vom Magdalensberg Eleny Schindler-Kaudelka Excavations on the Magdalensberg in Carinthia, Southern Austria yielded a large number of moulded vessles of the group Norditlaica decorate, best known under the mane of the most frequent brandnames … OL4530040W
The Palaces of the Hasmoneans and Herod the Great The Palaces of the Hasmoneans and Herod the Great Ehud Netzer Reprinted and Expanded Edition OL4677263W
Amphores romaines des sites angevins et leur contexte archéologique Amphores romaines des sites angevins et leur contexte archéologique Jean Siraudeau Histoire, biographies. OL4856893W
Das Forum Romanum Das Forum Romanum Thomas Imlau Geschichte des Forum Romanum und seiner Bauten OL5398310W
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