The Life Cycle of a Beaver (The Life Cycle)
Bobbie Kalman |
Une collection de premiers documentaires visant à initier les jeunes enfants à la beauté de la nature et à leur faire découvrir le mode de vie des êtres vivants qu'elle abrite, tout en les sensibilis… |
OL115150W |
Your Pet Gerbil
Elaine Landau |
Suggests what to consider when selecting a gerbil for a pet and explains what it needs by way of housing, food, health care, and activities. |
OL15040422W |
Come out, muskrats
Jim Arnosky |
In late afternoon the muskrats come out to swim, dive, and eat green water weeds. |
OL15761W |
Collared lemming
Dee Phillips |
"In this book, readers learn about the life and habits of collared lemmings."-- |
OL17880589W |
What if there were no lemmings?
Suzanne Slade,Carol Schwartz |
Discusses the tundra ecosystem and the role of lemmings as a keystone species in helping to maintain it, describing the lemmings' place on the food chain and what would happen to the tundra if they w… |
OL19969190W |
Mari C. Schuh,Gail Saunders-Smith |
"Carefully leveled text and vibrant photographs explore the world of a chipmunk as it searches for food in preparation of winter. Includes picture glossary and index."-- |
OL21279803W |
Gray squirrels
Tammy Gagne |
"Gray squirrels are far from uncommon creatures. In fact, they often seem to be everywhere. At the same time, it is very rare to see one of these fast and furry rodents up close. Join Jack and his si… |
OL22312162W |
Kids top 10 small mammal pets
Ann Gaines |
"Discusses the best ten small mammals for kids to keep as pets and includes each species' appearance, general behavior, diet, and special needs."-- |
OL23199661W |
Guinea Pigs Don't Read Books
Colleen Stanley Bare |
Points out that though guinea pigs don't read books or play checkers, they make good friends and are gentle and lovable. |
OL2628894W |
Black-footed ferret
Denise Casey |
Describes the physical characteristics, habits, life cycle, history, and future prospects of the small animal that may be the rarest mammal in North America. |
OL4290031W |
Bernice Kohn Hunt |
Describes the various genera of chipmunks and their habits and life cycles. |
OL5832943W |
Your Pet Hamster
Elaine Landau |
Suggests what to consider when selecting a hamster for a pet and explains what it needs by way of housing, food, health care, and activities. |
OL98433W |