Rat race and other rodent jokes
Ross, Dave |
A collection of jokes featuring mice, rats, and other rodents. |
OL1877998W |
Stanley the Farmer
William Bee |
[32] p. : 23 cm |
OL19637245W |
C. A. Allen |
Before the war-torn world of *A Dewdrop Away*, there existed a different world, a world where magic was more than a myth.
Young Tiallin is part of this world, and as far as he knows, his colony is… |
OL27043617W |
Wild rodents
C. B. Colby |
A general discussion of the most numerous order of mammals, with chapters on rodents whose characteristics have influenced the health and history of man. |
OL4085699W |
Hooway for Wodney Wat
Lester, Helen. |
All his classmates make fun of Rodney because he can't pronounce his name, but it is Rodney's speech impediment that drives away the class bully. |
OL78587W |