Moral responsibility in prolonging life decisions
Albert S. Moraczewski,Donald G. McCarthy |
This book has been prepared as a resource contribution to the Church's ministry to suffering and dying persons and to the healing and caring ministry of countless health care professionals. As chapte… |
OL15162754W |
The euthanasia / assisted-suicide debate
Demetra M. Pappas |
Merciful ending or death on demand? The euthanasia and assisted-suicide debate challenges our most deeply held ethical and religious convictions about human life and dignity. Emotional public respons… |
OL16665029W |
Death and dying
Sandra M. Alters |
Examines how Americans deal with death, with a particular focus on the highly charged political and moral issues of living wills, life-sustaining treatments, end-of-life care funding, and physician a… |
OL17893017W |
The right to die
Kathlyn Gay |
A discussion of the debate concerning the right-to-die issue, including past and present views on euthanasia, the controversial subject of assisted suicide, and the legal ramifications. |
OL1846230W |
Legal and ethical aspects of treating critically and terminally ill patients
J. Douglas Peters,A. Edward Doudera |
Papers derived from 4 conferences sponsored by the American Society of Law and Medicine, and held in Detroit (Nov. 1979), Los Angeles (Apr. 1980), Minneapolis (May 1980), and Chicago (Oct. 1980). |
OL19447830W |
The conversation
Angelo Volandes |
"There is an unspoken dark side of American medicine: keeping patients alive at all costs. Two thirds of Americans die in healthcare institutions tethered to machines and tubes, even though research … |
OL19992606W |
Palliative care
Harold Y. Vanderpool |
"Providing a detailed picture of contemporary palliative care, this book chronicles four centuries of professional and personal advances in the quest for a good death, covering the fight against futi… |
OL20013625W |
Living wills & powers of attorney for California
Shae Irving |
150 pages : 28 cm |
OL20047620W |
The Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity presents Dignity and dying
Edmund D. Pellegrino,John Frederic Kilner |
This book offers a more well-founded perspective for considering some of the significant ethical issues in the field of medicine and health care. |
OL20500892W |
Physician-assisted dying
M. Pabst Battin,Timothy E. Quill |
In this volume, a distinguished group of physicians, ethicists, lawyers, and activists come together to present the case for the legalization of physician-assisted dying, for terminally ill patients … |
OL20627394W |
The right to die
Tamara Thompson |
"The At Issue series includes a wide range of opinion on a single controversial subject. Each volume includes primary and secondary sources from a variety of perspectives -- eyewitnesses, scientific … |
OL23327779W |
Using Terri
Jon Eisenberg |
The Terri Schiavo case was a key battle in a larger political struggle over abortion, stem-cell research, physician-assisted suicide, gay rights, and the appointment of federal judges. The religious … |
OL276673W |
The Living Will Handbook
Alan D. Lieberson |
170 p. : 28 cm |
OL2770120W |
Euthanasia and assisted suicide
Lisa Firth |
Euthanasia - compassionately-motivated killing - is illegal in the UK, but that does not necessarily make it unethical. Those in favour of euthanasia argue that it allows the terminally ill to die wi… |
OL27974035W |
Een goede dood
Franky Bussche,Wim Distelmans |
België beschikt als één van de weinige landen ter wereld over een euthanasiewet. De wet kwam tot stand na een grondig parlementair debat in 2002. Tien jaar later blijkt dat er geen wildgroei kwam van… |
OL32213527W |
The Choice
Nicholas Sparks |
Travis Parker has everything a man could want: a good job, loyal friends, even a waterfront home in small-town North Carolina. In full pursuit of the good life—boating, swimming, and regular barbecue… |
OL54809W |
This far and no more
Andrew H. Malcolm |
"It started with a stumble." So begins the author's compelling true account of one woman's ordeal with a debilitating illness that would claim her life. The story of how she and her husband confronte… |
OL625350W |
A right to die?
Richard Walker |
Discusses the moral and ethical aspects of euthanasia and related topics. |
OL823083W |