Against their will
P. M. Poli︠a︡n |
"During his reign, Joseph Stalin oversaw the forced resettlement of people by the millions - a maniacal passion that he used for social engineering. Six million people were resettled before Stalin's … |
OL11631813W |
The chrysalis
Heather Terrell |
Hard-driving Manhattan attorney Mara Coyne is confronted by the case of her career when she is asked to defend a prestigious auction house against claims that a mysterious Dutch masterpiece about to … |
OL15825659W |
War, guilt, and world politics after World War II
Thomas U. Berger |
"This book describes how the states in post-1945 Austria, Germany, and Japan have tried to deal with the legacy of the Second World War and how their policies have affected their relations with other… |
OL16451545W |
Escape from North Korea
Melanie Kirkpatrick |
It is a crime to leave North Korea. Yet increasing numbers of North Koreans dare to flee. They go first to neighboring China, which rejects them as criminals, then on to Southeast Asia or Mongolia, a… |
OL16548143W |
The long road home
Ben Shephard |
At the end of World War II, long before an Allied victory was assured and before the scope of the atrocities orchestrated by Hitler would come into focus or even assume the name of the Holocaust, All… |
OL16565730W |
Ishi in three centuries
Clifton B. Kroeber,Karl Kroeber,Karl Kroeber |
Brings together a range of insightful and unsettling perspectives and the research to personalize our understanding of one of the famous Native Americans of the modern era - Ishi, the last Yahi. This… |
OL16797550W |
Kennewick Man
Richard L. Jantz,Douglas W. Owsley |
"Almost from the day of its accidental discovery along the banks of the Columbia River in Washington State in July 1996, the ancient skeleton of Kennewick Man has garnered significant attention from … |
OL19988689W |
El tesoro del «Vita»
Gloria Munilla,Francisco Gracia Alonso |
¿Qué tienen en común Juan Negrín, Indalecio Prieto, Lázaro Cárdenas, Camilo José Cela, Marlon Brando y David Ben Gurion? Todos ellos, de formas diversas, están relacionados con el Vita, un yate en el… |
OL23306090W |
Skulls and Skeletons
Christine Quigley |
"Motivations for collecting human skeletal material range from the practical (in anthropology, medicine, forensics) to the ritualistic (phrenology, in the relics of martyrs and saints). This book is … |
OL2736459W |