Raphael (Getting to Know the World's Greatest Artists)
Mike Venezia |
A biography of the Italian painter Raphael. Includes pictures of some of his works. |
OL106336W |
Filippo Pedrocco |
"In the quarter century since the last catalogue raisonne of Titian, more research has been carried out on the painter than in the whole of the previous four hundred years. New documentation has come… |
OL136345W |
La conquête de la peinture
Jacques Gagliardi |
839 p. : 32 cm |
OL1396059W |
Botticelli, Allegory of spring
Federico Zeri |
Books invites the reader on a journey through the most famous paintings in the history of art. Detailed, informative, and stimulating portraits of the individual artist are documented alongside beaut… |
OL16027467W |
The lost Michelangelos
Antonio Forcellino |
A Michelangelo scholar and restorer tells the story of his discovery of two lost paintings by the great Renaissance artist, Michelangelo: "Pietà for Vittoria Colonna" and "Cavalieri Crucifixion." |
OL16474293W |
Botticelli and the search for the Divine
Sandro Botticelli |
"Perhaps more than any other painter, Sandro Botticelli (about 1445-1510) exemplifies the artistic achievement of Renaissance Florence in the 15th century. "Botticelli and the Search for the Divine,"… |
OL19737980W |
Fra Bartolommeo
Bram de Klerck,Michael W. Kwakkelstein,Albert J. Elen,Chris Fischer |
In Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, discover the masterpieces of Fra Bartolommeo (1473-1517), the Italian monk and artist from the famous monastery of San Marco in Florence. He, Leonardo da Vinci, Raph… |
OL20057273W |
Peindre en France à la Renaissance
Frédéric Elsig |
"En tenant compte de toutes les techniques impliquées par le métier du peintre (enluminure, vitrail, tapisserie, etc.), le volume se propose de reconsidérer toute la géographie de la peinture produit… |
OL22359071W |
El Renacimiento
Jeannie Labno |
Using a series of die-cut windows, the book invites the reader to admire and study twenty of the most important masterpieces of the Renaissance including Botticelli's The Birth of Venus and van Eyck'… |
OL26194431W |
Italie et Flandres
Liana Castelfranchi Vegas |
L'Italie fut le pays d'où proviennent les premiers et principaux clients de la peinture flamande. La connaissance directe d'oeuvres flamandes exerça une grande influence sur de nombreux peintres ital… |
OL27960547W |
Looking at painting in Florence, 13th-16th centuries
Peterson, Richard (Writer on art) |
Illustrated handbook on Florentine painting from the Middle Ages through the Renaissance, intended to bridge the gap between the guidebook and the serious academic text, organized chronologically aro… |
OL29255391W |
Quand les peintres lisaient la Bible
Gibert, Pierre |
Le grand historien de la Bible qu'est Pierre Gibert nous propose un très beau livre d'art et d'histoire. Il nous plonge dans le cinquecento, alors que toute l'Europe lit et traduit la Bible, l'imprim… |
OL32623044W |
The great painters of the Italian Renaissance
Eberhard König |
2 volumes : 32 cm |
OL33065559W |
What makes a Raphael a Raphael?
Richard Mühlberger |
Explores such art topics as style, composition, color, and subject matter as they relate to twelve works by Raphael. |
OL3482191W |
Fifty old master paintings from the Walters Art Gallery
Walters Art Gallery (Baltimore, Md.) |
The holdings in the old master painting collection were developed almost entirely by Henry Walters, although they have been supplemented in recent years by superb gifts and excellent, if infrequent, … |
OL4125906W |
Istoria et théorie de l'art
Alain Laframboise |
415 p. : 22 cm |
OL4513085W |
Raphael Sanzio
Ernest Lloyd Raboff |
A brief biography of Raphael accompanies color reproductions and critical interpretations of many of his works. |
OL4970554W |
Some followers of Domenico Ghirlandajo
Everett Fahy |
Art book documenting and describing and cataloguing artists from Domenico Ghirlandaio's Florentine workshop |
OL5256696W |