Hurt people hurt people
Sandra D. Wilson |
Do you know someone perhaps even a Christian who seems impossible to get along with? From the people in the pews to the members of our families, we are surrounded by people who hurt other people. And… |
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Winning with People
John C. Maxwell |
Relationships are at the heart of every positive human experience. Maxwell, a master communicator and relational expert, makes learning about relationships accessible to everyone. The most sophistica… |
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Lawrence J. Crabb |
In his most significant book to date, Dr. Larry Crabb expands on his lifelong work in the field of psychotherapy to adopt a groundbreaking, but biblical, approach to healing the deep wounds of the so… |
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Hiding from love
John Sims Townsend |
When you experience emotional injury, fear, shame, or pride your first impulse is to hide the hurting parts of yourself from God, others, even yourself. Often you've learned these hiding patterns dur… |
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The power of I am
John Maxwell Taylor |
"Combining principles from martial arts, mindfulness, body-centered awareness, and spiritual and scientific principles, The Power of I Am is a mix of practical tools, stories, and life lessons that t… |
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Approval Addiction
Joyce Meyer |
There is an epidemic of insecurity in society today. Many people suffer from an unhealthy need for affirmation. They are not capable of feeling good about themselves. For some the quest for approval … |
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Timothy S. Lane,Paul D. Tripp |
While skillfully identifying the deeper issues that keep relationships less than they are designed to be, Tim Lane and Paul Tripp show readers how to experience the other side of relationships as wel… |
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