Keiron Moore |
In the ancient city of Kapilavastu, a prince named Siddhartha Gautama was born, and a wise man declared that he would grow up to be either a powerful king or a spiritual leader who would end sufferin… |
OL19717776W |
Fine Print
Joann Johansen Burch |
Recounts the story of the German printer credited with the invention of printing with movable type. |
OL2670086W |
Siddhartas Weg
Frederik Hetmann |
Prinz Siddharta Gautama, etwa um die Hälfte des siebten vorchristlichen Jahrhunderts geboren, ist einer der großen Religionsgründer der Menschheit. Der reiche Königssohn verzichtete auf sein Erbe und… |
OL7185244W |
John Newton
John Newton |
John Newton had an unusual appreciation for the grace of God, for he had wandered a tremendous distance from it. John Newton is his own account of his journey into God's grace. In a series of fourtee… |
OL8090697W |