The lady & the Virgin
Penny Schine Gold |
Penny Schine Gold provides a bold analysis of key literary and artistic images of women in the Middle Ages and the relationship between these images and the actual experience of women. She argues tha… |
OL120458W |
Catching Light
Roy M. Anker |
Films have come to not only entertain modern minds but also inform and shape them. Many of the best cinematic works have profound religious elements -- some obvious, some more subtle. In Catching Lig… |
OL14867233W |
Subverting greed
Paul F. Knitter |
Explores how the world economy is viewed by various religions and discusses how those religions can offer insight to the many economic problems in modern society. |
OL20545319W |
The endless kingdom
David Gay |
"The Endless Kingdom studies the dynamics of biblical reading and interpretation in Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, and Samson Agonistes. Milton completed these three major poems after the Restorat… |
OL2661787W |
Promoting the common good
Marcus Braybrooke,Kamran Mofid |
"In this book an economist and theologian adopt the traditional approach of discussing the nature of economics and globalisation in a moral and spiritual context, and debate fundamental issues such a… |
OL4462904W |
The Gospel according to Harry Potter
C. W. Neal,Connie W. Neal,Samuel F. Parvin |
Now Exploring Books 1 - 7! Is Harry Potter a Christ figure? Was book 7 a metaphor for the resurrection? Just how much did religion help shape J. K Rowling and the moral worldview of the most popular … |
OL56855W |