Communicating about health
Athena DuPré |
pages cm |
OL12550603W |
Gender in the therapy hour
Holly Barlow Sweet |
"This edited book looks at how a variety of female therapists understand men's issues in the context of their clinical work. Each chapter is written by a female mental health professional and explore… |
OL16184107W |
Hypnosis in clinical practice
Rick Voit,Molly DeLaney |
Using clinical anecdotes and personal experience, Delaney and Voit explain the therapeutic potential of hypnosis in a way that is fundamental and highly accessible, easing therapists into utilizing t… |
OL19856467W |
Patient-centered medicine
Moira Stewart |
"The evolution of attitudes and roles in society is reflected in many facets of our lives: In the medical community, these changes are most evident in the shifting relationship between doctor and pat… |
OL20804501W |
Un médecin se confie
Serge Daneault |
Depuis la publication de Et si mourir s'apprivoisait ... Réflexions sur la fin de vie, le Dr Serge Daneault a reçu de nombreuses demandes de conseils provenant de collègues, d'autres professionnels d… |
OL26176320W |
Ancien malade des hôpitaux de Paris
Daniel Pennac |
Cette nuit-là, le docteur Galvan trouva la foi, la perdit, la retrouva, la perdit à nouveau, et ainsi de suite car la nuit fut longue. Il fallait qu'il le raconte à quelqu'un. Désolé que ce soit vous. |
OL26191671W |
The patient's playbook
Leslie D Michelson |
"The Patient's Playbook is a compelling narrative of personal stories that imparts lessons and illuminates strategies for better, and even life-saving, medical decision-making. With clarity and as a … |
OL26436970W |
Communication skills in medicine
Jennifer Robyn Fitzgerald,Michele Groves |
For medical and other students of healthcare, this book is designed to help improve communications in healthcare, and so improve patient outcomes. |
OL28954688W |
Le souci de l'autre
Marie de Hennezel |
Evoque la place de l'humain dans le monde hospitalier en considérant le malade en tant que personne. Propose des idées pour améliorer la situation, depuis les bases de l'enseignement médical jusqu'à … |
OL31211214W |
Under the Medical Gaze
Susan Greenhalgh |
This compelling account of the author's experience with a chronic pain disorder and subsequent interaction with the American health care system goes to the heart of the workings of power and culture … |
OL3129391W |
A meeting of minds
Lewis Aron |
In this richly nuanced assessment of the various dimensions of mutuality in psychoanalysis, the author shows that the relational approach to psychoanalysis is a powerful guide to issues of technique … |
OL3239785W |
Medicine & culture
Lynn Payer |
Ein sehr lehrreiches und amüsant zu lesendes Buch über die Einflüsse der jeweiligen Volkskultur auf die jeweilige Sicht von Medizin und auf ihre Anwendung in den einzelnen Ländern. |
OL3283141W |
Talking with patients
Brian Bird |
Any patient who comes to a doctor, for whatever reason, deserves to be looked at with the broadest kind of vision. It is to be expected that the type of study made and its thoroughness will depend up… |
OL4700076W |