The human body on trial
Lynne Curry |
"The question of an individual's rights to bodily autonomy versus the state's power to regulate and control the bodies of its citizens is a difficult question indeed, and more important than it seems… |
OL156095W |
De Staat van bedrog
Willem Oltmans |
Polemisch getinte weergave van het proces, dat de auteur heeft aangespannen tegen de Staat der Nederlanden wegens smaad en tegenwerking. |
OL24159305W |
European human rights case locator 1960-2000
Barbara Mensah |
"The Human Rights Act 1998 incorporates the European Convention of Human Rights. In interpreting Convention rights, the Act requires account to be taken of judgments and decisions of the European Cou… |
OL24825654W |
Closed chambers
Edward Lazarus |
"Operating within a Network of Byzantine Secrecy, The United States Supreme Court is the most powerful judicial institution in the world. Nine unelected justices are charged with protecting our most … |
OL894726W |