Introduction to the English legal system
Martin Partington |
"Written in a highly engaging and approachable style, the fifth edition of Introduction to the English Legal System is an ideal foundation for all those coming new to the study of law. It introduces… |
OL16712028W |
Religion in legal thought and practice
Howard Lesnick |
"This book examines moral issues in public and private life from a religious but not devotional perspective. Rather than seeking to prove that one belief system or moral stance is right, it undertake… |
OL18642351W |
The Nazi doctors and the Nuremberg Code
George J. Annas,Michael A. Grodin |
Completely unable to access the book a second time I wanted to continue. Third mult times with no success. Attention needs to be given because on line access has become impossible for me. Was very in… |
OL19215274W |
Rechtssicherheit im Internet
Sigmar Puchert |
Die Einführung von E-Commerce hat in den Unternehmen, insbesondere auf der Beschaffungs- und Einkaufsseite, zu einschneidenden organisatorischen Veränderungen geführt: Jahrelang praktizierte Kontroll… |
OL19899063W |
Social work law
Alison Brammer |
Especially written for the non-lawyer, this is a guide to the legal framework and substantive law relating to social work. It explores the dynamic relationship between the law and social work practic… |
OL19902567W |
It is illegal to quack like a duck & other freaky laws
Barbara Seuling |
An overview of some unusual laws from all over the world. |
OL2040595W |
Computer forensics
Marie-Helen Maras |
Balancing technicality and legal analysis, this book enters into the world of cybercrime by exploring what it is, how it is investigated, and the regulatory laws around the collection and use of elec… |
OL20547302W |
State of war
James Risen |
Einige der bedeutsamsten Umstände der Regierungszeit von George W. Bush sind bisher nicht an die Öffentlichkeit gelangt. Unter der Oberfläche der bekannte Ereignisse, die sich seit Beginn seiner Präs… |
OL24300275W |
Glanville Williams
Glanville Williams |
"First published in 1945, Glanville Williams: Learning the Law has been introducing readers to the skills needed to study law for over half a century. It is a cherished favourite among readers and co… |
OL28757492W |
The morality of law
Lon L. Fuller |
xi, 262 pages ; 22 cm |
OL3246181W |
Laws, etc. (U.S. code annotated
United States |
Comprising all laws of a general and permanent nature under arrangement of official code of the laws of the United States, with annotations from federal and state courts. |
OL76211W |
Law and Revolution
Harold J. Berman |
The roots of modern Western legal institutions and concepts go back nine centuries to the Papal Revolution, when the Western church established its political and legal unity and its independence from… |
OL8275797W |