The New Law and Economic Development
David M Trubek |
This book is a collection of essays that identify and analyze a new phase in thinking about the role of law in economic development and in the practices of development agencies that support law refor… |
OL15173784W |
The Markets and Other Orders
Friedrich A. von Hayek |
In addition to his groundbreaking contributions to pure economic theory, F. A. Hayek also closely examined the ways in which the knowledge of many individual market participants could culminate in an… |
OL20701918W |
La fin de l'État de droit?
Frédéric Bérard |
"L'adoption de mesures inconstitutionnelles, les violations des libertés civiles, le recul de la présomption d'innocence, un système de justice parallèle et populaire encouragé par les médias: autant… |
OL21627086W |