Art's Supplies
Chris Tougas |
In this delightful tale of the power of the imagination, Art’s supplies come to life in the studio, creating mayhem and magic - and art! Pastels, pencils and paints, crayons, brushes and markers, eve… |
OL15177467W |
Holiday howlers
Peter Roop |
A collection of jokes about holidays. |
OL15958459W |
Pigs ina poke, collection #2
D. A. Hammond |
"Artwork and accompanying text depicting pigs in whimsical and satirical human situations"--Provided by publisher. |
OL15998757W |
Lewis M. Gediman,Nino DeNicola,Paul Gediman,Michael B. Laudor |
Awesome puns and wordplay! Small relatives: kindling. Need I say more? |
OL16444570W |
Funny you should ask
Marvin Terban |
Offers an abundant cache of ideas about using words and wordplay to create engaging riddles and jokes. |
OL166708W |
The riddle zoo
Andrea Griffing Zimmerman |
A collection of animal riddles such as "Why are rats so unhappy? They're always down in the dumps." and "What wakes up a farmer? An alarm cock." |
OL1916415W |
It looks a lot like reindeer
Brian P. Cleary |
A boy paints a humorous picture of the members of his family, describing them in pun-filled rhymes based on animal names. |
OL1934270W |
Going ape
Louis Phillips |
A collection or riddles, jokes, and puns about all kinds of animals from aardvarks to zebras. |
OL1956687W |
The Giggle book
Stephanie Calmenson,Maxie Chambliss |
An illustrated collection of riddles, such as "What did the mayonnaise say to the refrigerator? Close the door, I'm dressing!" |
OL1979649W |
Game-day gigglers
Sam Schultz |
A collection of jokes about sports and games. |
OL19852122W |
That stinks!
Alan Katz |
Show and Tell in Mrs. Mueller's classroom is full of wordplay--though not intentionally. |
OL20032602W |
Ounce, dice, trice
Alastair Reid |
A collection of old and new words, including those to be said in singing moods, words for times of day, and rude names for nitwits. Defines such words as gongoozler, tantony, and oosse. |
OL2142197W |
Backyard beasties
Diane L. Burns |
A collection of jokes about backyard animals. |
OL2212364W |
Cat's got your tongue
Richard McMenamin,Shari McMenamin,Michele Van Troba |
90 p. : 23 cm |
OL23671947W |
L'école, c'est encore plus fou!
Luc Durocher |
Un album à l'image du précédent, ##L'école, c'est toujours aussi fou##. Une quinzaine d'expressions (les élèves sont suspendus aux lèvres de leur professeur, passent à travers leur cahier de devoirs,… |
OL24198146W |
Le plaisir des mots
Richard Arcand |
Une anthologie de mots d'esprit sur les relations entre hommes et femmes qui présente l'originalité de les regrouper non pas par thèmes mais par procédés stylistiques, depuis l'alliance de mots contr… |
OL24721063W |
A book of bad jokes, pitiful puns, woeful wordplay and ridiculous riddles
Hugh Jass |
"Hundreds of jokes congregate in this amazing compilation of some of the greatest bad jokes and puns there are."--Amazon.com |
OL27015805W |
The dinosaur joke book
Artie Bennett |
An original collection of jokes and puns about dinosaurs. |
OL3333861W |
Have yourself a punny little Christmas
Richard Lederer |
Make your Christmas merrier with a rib-tickling collection of holiday puns, including: *"The Abdominal Snowman": a punny biography of Santa Claus*"Have Yourself a Very Punny Christmas": a series of… |
OL34808W |
Pun and games
Richard Lederer,Dave Morice |
An introduction to wordplay, including puns, spoonerisms, riddles, and more. |
OL34813W |