From needs assessment to action
James William Altschuld,Belle Ruth Witkin,James W Altschuld |
"Going beyond the simple process of assessing needs to the implementation of solutions for resolving them, this sequel to the best seller, Planning and Conducting Needs Assessments, shows you how the… |
OL11993409W |
Fluid Balance, Hydration, and Athletic Performance
Flavia Meyer,Zbigniew Szygula,Boguslaw Wilk |
Athletes and nonathletes frequently consume too little water or fluids, affecting exercise performance as well as overall health. This book comprehensively reviews the aspects relating to body fluid … |
OL21274516W |
Jackie Green,Jane South |
What is evaluation? Why is it important in public health? How can evaluation lead to improved health outcomes? Evaluation and evidence-based practice are core to professional practice within the wide… |
OL26172564W |