La psychosomatique de l'adulte
Pierre Marty |
Les difficultés de chacun à établir une harmonie entre ses mouvements affectifs et psychiques, son mode de vie et sa santé physique constituent la trame de cet ouvrage. |
OL12963649W |
Maladie d'adolescence
Michel Vincent |
L'auteur, pédopsychiatre et psychanalyste, se base sur ses trente ans de pratique quotidienne avec des adolescents au centre Alfred Binet à Paris, ainsi que sur les textes freudiens, pour développer … |
OL13563501W |
If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him!
Sheldon B. Kopp |
Therapists do not and cannot give answers. Explore the true nature of the therapeutic relationship, and realize that the guru is no Buddha. He is just another human struggling. Understanding the shap… |
OL15391556W |
Before you see your first client
Howard Rosenthal |
Before You See Your First Client begins where courses, workshops, training seminars, and textbooks leave off, providing a candid behind-the-scenes look at the fields of therapy, counseling and human … |
OL158539W |
What do you say after you say hello?
Eric Berne |
What Do You Say After You Say Hello? explains what makes the winners win, the losers lose, and the in-betweens so boring... In it, Dr Eric Berne reveals how everyone's life follows a predetermined sc… |
OL1593564W |
Dramatherapy with children, young people, and schools
Lauraine Leigh |
"Dramatherapy with Children, Young People, and Schools is the first book to specifically evaluate the unique value of dramatherapy in the educational environment. A variety of highly experienced dram… |
OL16134464W |
Trauma-informed practices with children and adolescents
William Steele |
"Trauma-Informed Practices with Children and Adolescents is a sourcebook of practical approaches to working with children and adolescents that synthesizes research from leading trauma specialists and… |
OL16589022W |
The psychology of religion and spirituality for clinicians
Everett L. Worthington,Jamie D. Aten,Kari Ann O'Grady |
"The purpose of this edited book is to provide mental health practitioners with a functional understanding of the empirical literature on the psychology of religion and spirituality, while at the sam… |
OL16604717W |
States of mind
Mardi Jon Horowitz |
xvi, 282 p. : 24 cm |
OL1704860W |
Linking parents to play therapy
Deborah Killough McGuire |
"Involving parents in a child's play therapy results in therapy that is more productive for the child and more fulfilling and effective for the parents and therapist. Yet, encouraging parental involv… |
OL1809033W |
Research methods in clinical psychology
Alan S. Bellack,Michel Hersen |
viii, 417 p. ; 24 cm |
OL18351899W |
Psychotherapy With People in the Arts
Gerald Schoenewolf |
"This riveting collection of case histories illustrates the dark interplay of neurosis and creativity. Psychotherapy with People in the Arts: Nurturing Creativity explores the struggles of writers, p… |
OL1885199W |
Healing plots
Amia Lieblich,Ruthellen Josselson,Dan P. McAdams |
Therapy is the process of developing a narrative that helps bring integration and coherence to a chaotic life. In Healing Plots: The Narrative Basis of Psychotherapy, the third volume in the series T… |
OL20545556W |
Evidence-based psychotherapies for children and adolescents
Alan E. Kazdin,John R. Weisz |
Provides a uniquely practical overview of evidence-based treatments for social, emotional, and behavioral problems in children and youth. |
OL20849905W |
Assessment in Cognitive Therapy
David A. Clark |
This volume brings together leading experts to explore the state of the art of cognitive clinical assessment and identify cutting-edge approaches of interest to clinicians and researchers. The book h… |
OL20932593W |
A therapist's guide to Growing free
Wendy Susan Deaton,Michael Hertica |
"A Therapist's Guide to Growing Free provides an outline of the issues, tasks, and goals involved in the treatment of victims and survivors. Its chapter-by-chapter breakdown of how violent relationsh… |
OL20978529W |
Guérir de son père
Jean-Jacques Prahin |
A partir d'ateliers de développement personnel qu'ils animent depuis une dizaine d'années, les deux thérapeutes proposent de repenser les relations entre pères et fils pour s'épanouir. |
OL24198037W |
Guérir des maux de la vie
Marie-Claude Gavard |
L'auteure, psychiatre et psychothérapeute, fournit des pistes pour guérir des maux de la vie. En fournissant des réponses adéquates face à la dépression, à la jalousie ou à l'égoïsme, l'auteur affirm… |
OL24268192W |
Psy ou pas psy?
Patrick Delaroche |
Propose d'aider les parents à savoir quand la consultation d'un psy se révèle nécessaire, et quelle est la thérapie qui peut être entreprise. |
OL24293792W |
Les psychothérapies
Matthy Chiva,Winfrid Huber |
Les problèmes et troubles psychiques sont nombreux et variés, et il en va de même des interventions visant à les soulager ou à les guérir. Quelles sont les méthodes indiquées pour quels troubles? Que… |
OL24375486W |