The righteous mind
Jonathan Haidt |
A groundbreaking investigation into the origins of morality, which turns out to be the basis for religion and politics. The book explains the American culture wars and refutes the "New Atheists." |
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Nicole Czechowski,Claudie Danziger |
Cette réflexion porte sur la perte sans cesse répétée dans nos vies : à chaque instant, on meurt à soi-même, à l'autre, au monde, au temps. Or notre société a procédé à un gommage de toutes les manif… |
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La sociedad del espectáculo
Donald Nicholson-Smith,Guy Debord,Guy Debord,Ron. Adams |
Few works of political and cultural theory have been as enduringly provocative as Guy Debord's The Society of the Spectacle. From its publication amid the social upheavals of the 1960s up to the pres… |
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The Roots of Nazi Psychology
Jay Y. Gonen |
Was Hitler a moral aberration or a man of his people? This topic has been hotly argued in recent years, and now Jay Gonen brings new answers to the debate using a psychohistorical perspective, conten… |
OL50183W |