Zur psychopathologie des alltagslebens (The psychopathology of everyday life)
Sigmund Freud |
One of Freud's key works which, along with 'Introduction to Psychoanalysis' and 'The Ego and the Id' laid the basic framework for his theories of psychoanalysis. |
OL1069431W |
Nightmares & human conflict
John E. Mack |
*Nightmares and Human Conflict* has several purposes. One of them naturally is to provide a general survey of the subject, to try to understand why these particularly disturbing dreams occur, and to … |
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Love, hate, and reparation.
Melanie Klein |
From Amazon:
*Two eminent psychoanalysts discuss the instinctual sources of emotion in normal adults.
This book is something new in psychoanalytical exposition—both in its subject matter and its … |
OL15145443W |
Interpretive and supportive psychotherapies
Anthony S., Ph.D. Joyce,Hassan F. A. Azim,Mary McCallum,John S. Ogrodniczuk |
In this book, the authors offer a framework for making short-term psychodynamic therapy easier, quicker, and more effective. Short-term dynamic therapies differ widely in objectives and techniques. A… |
OL20810937W |
Dreams as A Tool in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
Vincenzo Conigliaro |
xix, 407 p. ; 24 cm |
OL3286634W |
The brain of Robert Frost
Norman Norwood Holland |
In his newest book, Norman Holland brings brain science to literary criticism. The Brain of Robert Frost combines psychoanalysis with the revolutionary new findings of brain research and cognitive ps… |
OL3740884W |
Selected works
Otto Rank |
Originally published in 1959, this paperback--now out of print--is unique in providing samples of 5 books by Rank: "Myth of the Birth of the Hero" (1st ed.), "Art and Artist," "Modern Education" (o.p… |
OL98915W |