Implementing value pricing
Ronald J. Baker |
"The overwhelming majority of professional firms price their services by the antiquated hourly billing method, a method with many flaws. This new book demonstrates there is a superior model to price … |
OL15537840W |
Aligning the stars
Jay William Lorsch |
"Every company relies on talent to succeed, but none so much as professional service firms. Within this rapidly expanding, trillion-dollar sector people are more than "valuable assets"; they are the … |
OL17779687W |
Tax deductions for professionals
Stephen Fishman |
Offers advice to licensed professionals who are subject to special tax rules on maximizing tax deductions, including deductions for start-up expenses, operating expenses, health care costs, travel ex… |
OL20043299W |
Tax deductions for professionals
Stephen Fishman |
The only "know how" guide for professionals who want to reduce their tax burden.WINNER of the Publishers Marketing Associations' Benjamin Franklin AwardIf you're ready to hold on to more of your hard… |
OL57235W |
Marketing the Professional Services Firm
Laurie Young |
Professional services are estimated to be worth up to $700 billion worldwide, but as the market matures there is an urgent need for new marketing thinking for global players or small businesses alike… |
OL8204049W |