Beat your ticket
David Wayne Brown |
We've all received one -- a traffic ticket that seems completely unfair, the result of an officer's evening quota rather than a serious moving violation. But do you have to pay the penalty and watch … |
OL14204W |
Beat your ticket
David Wayne Brown |
"A complete how-to manual on fighting your ticket, with specific and detailed chapters on how to research legal issues, develop defenses, conduct jury voir dire, cross-examine witnesses, and make ope… |
OL18355923W |
Represent yourself in court
Paul Bergman |
"Sometimes it makes sense to handle a court case without an attorney. This book breaks down the trial process into easy-to-understand steps so that you can act as your own lawyer -- safely and effici… |
OL19970348W |
Representing yourself in court
Devlin Farmer |
Walks step-by-step through the process of self-representation in court, offering practical strategies and tips while providing coverage of pre-trial matters, trial day proceedings, and beyond. |
OL20015000W |
Statewide Conference on Unrepresented Litigants
Massachusetts. Judicial Institute |
Local and national perspectives -- The private bar perspective -- Legal advice v. information -- Technology and information systems -- The role of ADR -- Existing Massachusetts programs -- Model out-… |
OL24985948W |
Represent yourself in court
Paul Bergman,Sara J. Berman-Barrett |
Prepare and present a winning civil court case!Written in plain English, Represent Yourself in Court breaks down the trial process into easy-to-understand steps so that you can act as your own lawyer… |
OL450970W |