Nobel Prize winners
Carlotta Hacker |
Chronicles the lives and achievements of women who have received Nobel Prizes in a variety of fields, including Aung San Suu Kyi, Barbara McClintock, and Nadine Gordimer. |
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Michael Worek |
Presents the lives and accomplishments of more than two hundred Noble Prize winners, from the initial 1901 prizes to the 2009 winners, along with a complete listing of the eight hundred individuals a… |
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Préceptes de paix des prix nobel
Bernard Baudouin |
Anthologie de réflexions sur la non-violence, la tolérance, la fraternité entre les peuples, l'espoir, la lutte contre le racisme par des personnalités telles que Henry Dunant, Martin Luther King, mè… |
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Pourquoi le ciel est-il bleu?
Bettina Stiekel |
Les Prix Nobel répondent aux questions des enfants |
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