The Casma city of El Purgatorio
Melissa A. Vogel |
Through analysis of the excavation sites and material culture of the major urban center of the Inka Casma polity, El Purgatorio, Vogel explores a transformative time in the pre-Hispanic Inka Empire. |
OL19735963W |
At the edge of the world
Karen Bassie-Sweet |
"Reconstruction of classic period Maya beliefs about the structure of the universe based on imagery and hieroglyphic texts from lowland cities. Focuses on cosmological meanings of caves in defining t… |
OL2973916W |
In the museum of Maya culture
Quetzil E. Castañeda |
"Very interesting discussion of the ways in which anthropology, tourism, archaeology, and popular culture all contribute to the creation of the Maya as a social unit and Chichén Itzá as a place"--H… |
OL3239288W |