Crazy in Love
Luanne Rice |
In this acclaimed early novel New York Times bestselling author Luanne Rice takes readers on an intensely moving journey through the intimate terrain of a rapturous marriage in sudden jeopardy--and f… |
OL106214W |
Give me back my book!
Travis Foster |
This book is full of wonderful WORDS and beautiful PICTURES! And it's EXCITING! And it's FUNNY! It might be the BEST BOOK EVER--if we could decide whose book it is. Redd and Bloo explore the way a bo… |
OL19713876W |
Jeff Mack |
Two mice argue with increasing heat over their mutual border, until someone bigger intervenes. |
OL20054035W |
Sue Heap |
Amy snuggles on her blankie with her three toys. "I love you all," she says, "because we're together, and because you're MINE." When Jack and Zak want to play and they grab Bear and Bunny, Amy grabs … |
OL21538525W |
Marie caprices
Bernard Villiot |
Marie est une petite rouquine qui fait des caprices pour tout et pour rien. Notamment à propos des coussins de la maisonnée, qu'elle veut posséder en entier. Coussins du jardin, du baldaquin ou du ch… |
OL29242283W |
The ball, the book, and the drum
Morgan Troll |
An ugly troll gives up his selfish trollish ways and finds true happiness after he befriends a group of children and learns the joy of sharing. |
OL4474249W |
The beast of Monsieur Racine
Tomi Ungerer |
Determined to catch the thief of his prize pears, a retired tax collector sets a trap in his garden and captures a beast unknown to modern science. |
OL48759W |
Sons and Lovers
David Herbert Lawrence |
<p><i>Sons and Lovers</i>, a story of working-class England, is <a href="https://standardebooks.org/ebooks/d-h-lawrence"><abbr>D. H.</abbr> Lawrence’s</a> third novel. It went through various drafts,… |
OL81295W |