Northern rover
A. L. Karras |
"From 1919 to 1970, Olaf Hanson was a trapper, fur trader, prospector, game guardian, fisherman, and road blasting expert in northeastern Saskatchewan. He told his life story to popular Saskatchewan … |
OL16975821W |
The Total Outdoorsman Manual
T. Edward Nickens,T. Edward Nickens |
374 essential skills every outdoorsman should know, collected from <em>Field and Stream</em> magazine. |
OL17455189W |
Wild adventures
Mick Manning |
Develop self-sufficiency skills and explore nature with the activities in this book. Topics covered include: tracking skills; wildlife spotting; foraging for wild food and cooking outdoors; how to l… |
OL20002131W |
Je m'amuse en vacances
Angela Wilkes |
Plus de 50 activités originales, simples et gaies à réaliser en plein air ou à la maison. |
OL20900565W |
Wilderness pleasures
Kevin Callan |
A well-illustrated and highly entertaining sequel to the author's The Happy Camper, this book is a practical, informative and comic look at all aspects of wilderness camping: from planning to compani… |
OL2287928W |
Claude Arbour |
Claude Arbour, naturaliste autodidacte, raconte son amour de la nature et des chiens de traîneau. |
OL24282116W |
Je m'amuse en plein air
Angela Wilkes |
6 chapitres thématiques : vivre en plein air, découvrir la nature, faire un jardin, observer oiseaux et insectes, fabriquer des jouets. Une présentation par double page, avec, pour chaque activité : … |
OL27060152W |
Claude Arbour |
Perdu au fond des bois avec sa famille, Claude Arbour, ornithologue et naturaliste, regarde vivre la nature qui l'entoure. Dans de courts chapitres, il nous parle des grands pics, des pygargues, des … |
OL27060370W |
Camp and trail methods
Elmer Harry Kreps |
Interesting information for all lovers of nature--what to take and what to do. |
OL28172784W |
"Gerry was a city kid, growing up in Philadelphia. She moved with her family to rural southern New Jersey when she was thirteen and discovered the joy of hunting with her dad. When she met Wes, they … |
OL28586821W |
Aventures et découvertes dans la nature
Claude Lux |
Des idées pour communiquer aux enfants la passion de la nature par l'action et l'observation : fabriquer un tipi, un barrage ou un cerf-volant, construire une cabane, vivre et s'orienter dans la natu… |
OL28587729W |
Nic of the woods
Lynd Ward |
A dog learns about skunks, porcupines, and bears when his master takes him to Canada for a summer in the woods. |
OL4226551W |