Piping and Pipeline Engineering
George A Antaki |
Offering the fundamental qualitative steps vital to any successful piping and pipeline activity, this book pairs real world practices with textbook theory to depict proper piping and pipeline constru… |
OL15179739W |
Oil pipelines and public policy
Edward John Mitchell |
"A conference sponsored by the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research." |
OL16582923W |
Final Overland Pass natural gas liquids pipeline environmental impact statement
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Wyoming State Office |
Overland Pass Pipeline Company LLC, a subsidiary of ONEOK and William's Field Service Company, LLC, is proposing to construct an approximately 760-mile-long, natural gas liquids (NGL) pipeline that w… |
OL17327478W |
Checks and balances
Jethro Koller Lieberman |
Illustrates the complex workings of the system of checks and balances by examining the building of the Alaska pipeline which involved the federal government, a state government, and the actions of pr… |
OL1876865W |
Mechanics of offshore pipelines
Stelios Kyriakides,Edmundo Corona |
Offshore oil and gas production was conducted throughout the entire 20th century, but the industry's modern importance and vibrancy did not start until the early 1970s, when the North Sea became a ma… |
OL19887049W |
Siegfried Schwaigerer |
Aus den Besprechungen: "...Es ist das besondere Verdienst des Herausgebers, die Bearbeitung der einzelnen Sondergebiete Fachkollegen aus der Praxis übertragen zu haben, die über reiche Erfahrungen ve… |
OL19900242W |
Black boat dancing
Gerard Cappa |
The new cold war is heating up, pump primed by oil and the race to control the pipelines. Cyber warriors mine the dark side of international finance to destabilize the enemy. Their money trail stretc… |
OL24161693W |
Should Canada build pipelines in the United States?
Steve Goldsworthy |
Developed in a debate format, each side presents a different perspective on the pipeline issue relevant to Canada today. |
OL24298413W |
Threatened and endangered species, technical report
United States. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Office of Pipeline and Producer Regulation |
This report was prepared in support of the Rocky Mountain Pipeline Project EIS. |
OL24989220W |
The national interest
Edgar J. Dosman |
An examination of public pronouncements regarding the Mackenzie Valley pipeline which are at variance with the facts. |
OL6939136W |
Fusion-Bonded Epoxy (FBE)
J. Alan Kehr |
FULL COLOR! OVER 360 IMAGES! This is the first comprehensive book on fusion-bonded epoxy pipeline coating systems. It is useful for pipeline owners, engineering companies, third-party inspectors, and… |
OL9869874W |