Getting the picture
Vanessa R. Schwartz,Jason Hill |
"Powerful and often controversial, news pictures promise to make the world at once immediate and knowable. Yet while many great writers and thinkers have evaluated photographs of atrocity and crisis,… |
OL20015750W |
News Art
Stanley B. Burns,Sara Cleary-Burns |
"... presents the unexplored visual history of the melding of art, photography, and journalism. It is the first work to document the fascinating combination of art and photography necessary to achiev… |
OL21015305W |
Sur le vif
Hal Buell |
Réunit toutes les photographies honorées par le prix Pulitzer entre 1942 et 1999. [SDM]. |
OL26195360W |
Weegee |
Drawn from the International Center of Photography's archives, this book highlights the fascinating career of Weegee, one of New York's quintessential press photographers. For a decade between 1935 a… |
OL2652404W |
Democratic desert
Robert King |
Since February of 2012 Robert King has documented an unprecedented tragedy of the blatant targeting of civilians and hospitals by the al-Assad regime as well as a number of other serious human rights… |
OL29228625W |
Immaginario contemporaneo
Aldo Grasso |
Il flusso instancabile delle immagini dei mass media crea una seconda realtà sovrapposta a quella vissuta e costituisce un fertile terreno di indagine per l'arte contemporanea. Queste pagine presenta… |
OL29256116W |
Frank P. Hoy |
Written by a veteran photojournalist and journalism professor, this introduction to the principles of photojournalism is useful to beginning photographers and students interested in newspaper or publ… |
OL4296302W |
50 hours
Dorothea Lynch,Eugene Richards |
48 unnumbered pages : 28 cm |
OL5120314W |