Alfarabi, the political writings
Fārābī |
"Alfarabi was among the first to explore the tensions between the philosophy of classical Greece and that of Islam, as well as of religion generally. His writings, extraordinary in their breadth and … |
OL11879509W |
History of Islamic philosophy
Corbin, Henry. |
Fulltext Link
http://www.scribd.com/doc/23580896/History-of-Islamic-Philosophy-Vol-1-2by-Henry-Corbin |
OL18310133W |
Le livre des pénétrations métaphysiques =
Mollâ Sadrâ Shîrâzî,Corbin, Henry. |
Quʹest-ce que lʹêre? Cette question passe pour fonder la philosophie. Encore faut-il s'entendre sur le sens du mot "être ". L'essence des choses détermine-t-elle leur existence? Devons-nous affirmer,… |
OL19883478W |
The Incoherence of the Philosophers
al-Ghazzālī |
Although Abu Hamid Muhammad al-Ghazali lived a relatively short life (1058-1111), he established himself as one of the most important thinkers in the history of Islam. The Incoherence of the Philosop… |
OL8627085W |