Comme ça, la sorcière me mangera pas!
Dorothy Bloch |
Une psychanalyste, à travers des cas d'enfants et d'adultes qu'elle a soignés sur une période de 25 ans de pratique professionnelle, explique que bien des perturbations psychiques prennent leur racin… |
OL24256025W |
The deep
Karen Louise,Tim Winton |
Alice loves swimming, but she's scared of going into the deep blue water by the jetty with the rest of her family, so she stays in the shallows. Then one day some new friends come into the bay and Al… |
OL28589156W |
The Boy Who Cried Wolf
Tony Ross,Claude Lauriot-Prévost |
In this contemporary retelling of a traditional tale, Willy cries "Wolf!" to get out of ordeals like taking a bath or going to his violin lesson, until the wolf really appears. |
OL2861255W |
La forêt des Ombres
Bailly, Pierre auteur de BD |
Il est petit, il est poilu, c'est Petit Poilu! Le v'là parti de bon matin, le v'là parti et tout va bien, Mais? ... Que se passe-t-il? Ça se bouscule et tout bascule! Une ribambelle de champignons ps… |
OL28772260W |
Brave art
Adrienne Wiig Rabius |
Some things are scary to some people and not others. However, everyone is brave is some way. |
OL28774872W |
About phobias
Sara B Stein |
Uses separate text for adult and child to explain that children's phobias are related to their sexual feeling towards their parents. |
OL3291220W |