Teapot Dome
M. R. Werner,John Starr |
This gem of a book covers the complicated dealings that resulted from the Teapot Dome (and Elk Hills) naval oil reserve grabs by some 1920s oilmen. And, it covers them from the investigative and lega… |
OL143648W |
How Did We Find Out About Oil
Isaac Asimov |
Describes the origin, composition, and historical and modern uses of petroleum. |
OL14959001W |
Oil spills
Laurence P. Pringle |
Describes petroleum and its uses, examines the harmful effects of oil spills, and discusses how such environmental disasters can be cleaned up or prevented. |
OL15124386W |
Petroleum Refining
James H Gary |
Continuing the esteemed tradition and high standards set by earlier editions, Petroleum Refining, Fourth Edition summarizes the latest developments in oil refining processes-addressing topics ranging… |
OL15175058W |
Petroleum Refining Processes
James G Speight |
This novel reference provides comprehensive coverage of the most recent technological advancements in residuum conversion-illustrating state-of-the-art engineering methods for the refinement of heavy… |
OL15188083W |
Petroleum and Gas Field Processing
H. K Abdel-Aal |
Perform exact design calculations for all types of treatment and disposal equipment.This reference analyzes principles and procedures related to the processing of reservoir fluids for the separation,… |
OL15189348W |
Searching for Arctic oil
Eve Hartman,Adam Miller,Wendy Meshbesher |
Presents a history of drilling for oil in the Arctic region, provides arguments for and against drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and discusses the challenges of the area. |
OL15409522W |
The geology of the Davis Ranch Oil Pool, Wabaunsee County, Kansas
Robert Kenneth Smith |
The investigation that yielded this report was inaugurated by the important discovery of oil in the Davis Ranch pool and was undertaken as a result of an increased demand for information concerning s… |
OL1566097W |
Oil machines
Christopher Pick |
Describes various pieces of oil machinery used in the petroleum industry and discusses their uses. |
OL15851905W |
Oil, U.S.A.
Lou Jacobs |
Discusses the formation of oil; searching for it; the mechanics of drilling; transporting, refining and marketing oil; and its uses. |
OL15853170W |
The burning range
Joseph A. West |
For a gambler locked in a claims war, the stakes are life or death! A plague of killings has descended on Green Meadow, Oklahoma. A villain called the Fat Man wants the town -- and the black gold ben… |
OL16527493W |
Well completion design
Jonathan Bellarby |
Completions are the conduit between hydrocarbon reservoirs and surface facilities. They are a fundamental part of any hydrocarbon field development project. The have to be designed for safely maximis… |
OL16559033W |
Eyewitness oil
John Farndon |
Provides information about oil and other petroleum products, explaining what they are and how they are used; discussing oil exploration, drilling, and refining; and looking at the problem of pollutio… |
OL16609410W |
Development of an oil-water pollution monitoring system
Thomas M. Houlihan |
This report documents the progress during FY75 in the fabrication and the testing of an automatic oil pollution monitoring system. In the system developed, a Direct Difference method of Total Organic… |
OL16658404W |
Morton, Michael Quentin |
Buraimi is an oasis in an otherwise bleak desert on the border between Oman and the UAE. In the early twentieth century, it shot to notoriety as oil brought the world's attention to this corner of th… |
OL16809242W |
Modern chemical enhanced oil recovery
James Sheng |
Crude oil development and production in U.S. oil reservoirs can include up to three distinct phases: primary, secondary, and tertiary (or enhanced) recovery. During primary recovery, the natural pres… |
OL16984497W |
Man and materials: oil
Ian Ridpath |
An introduction to oil covering its origins, recovery from the earth, refining, and present and future uses. |
OL16995058W |
Amy Rogers |
a wonderful science fiction
What if bacteria turned all the gasoline in Los Angeles into vinegar?Carmageddon doesn't begin to describe it.PETROPLAGUE does.Christina Gonz lez expected her research to… |
OL17407160W |
Fate and effects of petroleum hydrocarbons in marine ecosystems and organisms : proceedings of a sy…
Douglas A. Wolfe |
Conference sponsored by NOAA Environmental Protection Agency. 45 papers covering all aspects of hydrocarbon pollution in the marine environment. |
OL17900857W |
Slow apocalypse
John Varley |
"Despite wars with Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as 9/11, the United States' dependence on foreign oil has kept the nation tied to the Middle East. A scientist has developed a cure for America's addi… |
OL18166450W |