Steve Parker |
Photographs and text explore the characteristics, habitats, and variety of fishes and other undersea life. |
OL133898W |
10 little fish
Harriet Ziefert |
"Ten Little Fish combines numbers with simple adjectives ('fish above, fish below; seven fish, fast and slow') and simple verbs ('swim and dive fish, here are five fish')"-- |
OL19991129W |
A swim through the sea
Kristin Joy Pratt-Serafini |
Uses the letters of the alphabet to introduce angelfish, dolphins, manatees, octopus, and other fish and mammals living in the world's oceans, giving their physical charactistics and behavior. |
OL2463694W |
One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish
Dr. Seuss |
A story-poem about the activities of such unusual animals as the Nook, Wump, Yink, Yop, Gack, and the Zeds. |
OL261202W |
The Rainbow Fish
Marcus Pfister |
The most beautiful fish in the entire ocean discovers the real value of personal beauty and friendship. |
OL507216W |