Investigating pristine inner experience
Russell T. Hurlburt |
"This book shows how to apprehend inner experience in high fidelity and demonstrates that such apprehension can be fascinating and of fundamental importance"-- |
OL16116582W |
Beyond the Brain
Louise Barrett |
"When a chimpanzee stockpiles rocks as weapons or when a frog sends out mating calls, we might easily assume these animals know their own motivations--that they use the same psychological mechanisms … |
OL16182744W |
Judgment and decision making as a skill
Mandeep K. Dhami,Anne Schlottmann,Michael Waldmann |
"This book presents a comprehensive review of emerging theories and research on the dynamic nature of human judgment and decision making (JDM). Leading researchers in the fields of JDM, cognitive dev… |
OL16561400W |
Core competencies in cognitive-behavioral therapy
Cory Frank Newman |
"This volume is a concise, convenient, and clearly written book for those who wish to study, master, and teach the core competencies of cognitive-behavioral therapy. Relevant for novice therapists as… |
OL16571863W |
The number sense
Stanislas Dehaene |
"Our understanding of how the human brain performs mathematical calculations is far from complete, but in recent years there have been many exciting breakthroughs by scientists all over the world. No… |
OL16963942W |
The World Beyond Your Head
Matthew B. Crawford,Matthew Crawford |
"A groundbreaking new book from the bestselling author of Shop Class as Soulcraft In his bestselling book Shop Class as Soulcraft, Matthew B. Crawford explored the ethical and practical importance o… |
OL17800724W |
Philip Tetlock,Philip E. Tetlock,Dan Gardner,Dan Gardner,Tetlock, Philip E.; Gardner, Dan |
Everyone would benefit from seeing further into the future, whether buying stocks, crafting policy, launching a new product, or simply planning the week’s meals. Unfortunately, people tend to be terr… |
OL18233878W |
The misinformation age
Cailin O'Connor |
Why should we care about having true beliefs? And why do demonstrably false beliefs persist and spread despite consequences for the people who hold them? Philosophers of science Cailin O'Connor and J… |
OL18543778W |
Scott Weems |
"Humor, like pornography, is famously difficult to define. We know it when we see it, but is there any way to figure out what we really find funny? In this fascinating investigation into the science … |
OL19333448W |
The marshmallow test
Walter Mischel |
"Renowned psychologist Walter Mischel, designer of the famous Marshmallow Test, explains what self-control is and how to master it. A child is presented with a marshmallow and given a choice: Eat thi… |
OL19670523W |
The mind within the brain
A. David Redish |
The goal of this book is to present the science behind decision-making in humans. In particular, one of the main concepts the author puts forward in the book is that, if our brain is a decision-makin… |
OL19970721W |
Thalma Lobel |
"Like the revolutionary bestsellers Predictably Irrational and Emotional Intelligence, Sensation is an exciting, completely new view of human behavior--a new psychology of physical intelligence (or e… |
OL19978038W |
Think forward to thrive
Jennice Vilhauer |
"As psychologist Jennice Vilhauer worked with patients, she was often frustrated that the tools she'd been taught didn't help her clients more, that even after unearthing their pasts and understandin… |
OL19988490W |
How the body knows its mind
Sian Beilock |
"Takes you inside the amazing science of how the body affects the mind, and shows how to use that wisdom to live smarter and maximize what your body teaches your mind"-- |
OL19992346W |
Lior Zoref |
"A leading expert shows how to use the power of social media and crowd wisdom to improve our work and personal lives Whether we need to make better financial choices, find the love of our life, or tr… |
OL20001841W |
Jamie Holmes |
"An illuminating look at the surprising upside of ambiguity--and how, properly harnessed, it can inspire learning, creativity, even empathy Life today feels more overwhelming and chaotic than ever. W… |
OL20010247W |
Cognitive Enhancement
Robert H. Blank |
"Rapid advances in cognitive neuroscience and converging technologies have led to a vigorous debate over cognitive enhancement. This book outlines the ethical and social issues, but goes on to focus … |
OL20788171W |
Understanding priming effects in social psychology
Daniel C. Molden |
"How incidentally activated social representations affect subsequent thoughts and behaviors has long interested social psychologists. Recently, such priming effects have provoked debate and skepticis… |
OL23198612W |
Sunil Godse |
Like a bolt of lightning, intuition strikes and in an instant, lives are changed forever. Have you ever wondered why intuition helps you make the right decision at the right time, or why ignoring you… |
OL24268478W |
Psychology of Intelligence Analysis
Richard J., Jr. Heuer |
ix, 216 pages : 21 cm |
OL9271758W |