Outdoor decorating
Sandra Salamony,Maryellen Driscoll,Julie D. Taylor,Rockport Publishers |
Helps you plan the space you have and how to think and model your outdoor space like an indoor space in terms of decorating style. |
OL24144159W |
Una habitación exterior
Stevens, David |
Datos, información y consejos para crear el espacio al aire libre perfecto. Cómo optimizar una superficie exterior para liberar espacio en el interior de la casa y mejorar su estilo de vida. Solucion… |
OL27039128W |
Outdoor Rooms II
Anne Dickhoff |
Outdoor Rooms II is an inspirational look at what one can do to create beauty and comfort in any outdoor space. Increasingly, homeowners are spending more money on their yards, not only to extend the… |
OL8987282W |